“Now is the time to chart a path forward for Texas student success from Pre-K to the workforce.”
Austin, Texas–Today, Senator Brandon Creighton was named as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Education, adding to his leadership role on the Committee on Higher Education.
Senator Creighton offered the following statement:
“There is nothing more important to the future of our growing state than a public education system that prioritizes student success –starting at early childhood and spanning through the workforce. In just two sessions as Chairman of Higher Education, a myriad of opportunities have been created for Texas students and institutions through reskilling and upskilling the workforce, and I am eager to work with teachers, administrators and parents.
“Texas is home to over 1,000 unique school districts that vary in size, geography and makeup, but they all have one thing in common: instilling the values, knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their education goals. The future of Texas begins in the classroom.
“I want to thank Lieutenant Governor Patrick for this appointment and I look forward to the great work ahead as we expand opportunity and value for millions of students in Texas schools. The joining of these two committees has far-reaching impact, as they make up 53% of general revenue in the budget, but more importantly, will chart a path forward for a robust, strong and diverse 21st century economy.”
Creighton represents District 4 in the Texas Senate which encompasses parts of Montgomery, Harris, Chambers, Jefferson and Galveston Counties. In addition to Chairing Public Education, Higher Education and the Select Committee on Ports, he serves on the Business and Commerce, Finance, Jurisprudence, and the Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs committees.